Senior Session Contract Student Name * First Name Last Name Student Email * Student Cell * (###) ### #### What Graduating Class Are You & Current High School? Instagram & Tik Tok Username If Applicable Parent Name If under the age of 18, parent information and consent is required First Name Last Name Parent Cell (###) ### #### Parent Email Session Agreement Privacy - Jonathan Simons Photography has the right to use and publish media (photos, videos, audio, etc) taken during your session to further promote its service, including portfolio, web site, display, advertisement, and editorial use. I agree to the terms of the contract. Session and Session Fees - You are booking a Senior Session Package at the agreed upon rate. I agree to pay a non-refundable deposit of $200 (or agreed upon rate) at the time of booking to secure date and time for agreed upon services. Deposit can be paid via Venmo (@jonathandsimons), Cash App ($jonathandsimons), Zelle or Check (Made payable to “Jonathan Simons”). Deposit is applied to the full balance, and the full balance is due at the time of session via Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, or Check. * I agree to the terms of the contract. Safety - Jonathan Simons Photography is not responsible for any injury to the Client or Client's party. Clients will be responsible for their party members and themselves and release the Jonathan Simons Photography from any claims. The photographer/videographer reserves the right to terminate coverage if the photographer/videographer experiences inappropriate, threatening, hostile, or offensive behavior from person(s) at the event(s); or in the event that the safety of the photographer/videographer is in question with no refund of any payments. * I agree to the terms of the contract. Liability - Jonathan Simons Photography is not responsible for any natural disasters, injury, illness, act of God, car issues, traffic, acts of terrorism or any other cause beyond my control that could make me delayed or absent from a session. Whenever possible I will communicate issues in advance. In the unlikely event that something out of my control renders me unable to provide my services - your balance minus the deposit will be refunded. The deposit may be applied towards a future session. In the unlikely event that digital files have been lost, stolen, or destroyed for reasons beyond my control, including but not limited to camera failure, hard drive failure, equipment malfunction - your balance minus the deposit will be refunded. The deposit may be applied towards a future session. Jonathan Simons Photography is not responsible or liable for the loss of images beyond their control. For the Client’s Information: Jonathan Simons Photography backs up their media immediately following the session (and sometimes during the session) on 3 different physical hard drives, including one stored off site - so even during natural disaster - your media should remain safe. * I agree to the terms of the contract. Venue and Location Limitations - The client is responsible for acquiring all permits and necessary permissions for all locations on which the session will be taking place. Any location limitations will be communicated in advance. * I agree to the terms of the contract. Rescheduling - If a situation outside of the photographers control prevents a session from taking place (weather or equipment malfunction for example), we will reschedule the session. If the client would like to reschedule due to a nonessential matter (conflict in schedule, cloudy weather, etc), I cannot guarentee that I am available at the preferred date and time, and the client may forfeit their deposit at the photographers discretion. (This is simply to avoid last minute reschedules for nonessential reasons as I book my calendar months in advance - an example of "nonessential reasons" would be cloudy skies when clear skies are desired). * I agree to the terms of the contract. Content Sharing - When posting media on Social Media: it is discouraged, but not prohibited, to edit, add filters, or crop purchased media. All of my clients are from word of mouth, and if you had a great time with your session and love your media, your support through spreading the word about me is incredibly valuable! * I agree to the terms of the contract. Quality Assurance - It really is my highest priority that you absolutely love your content and do my best to reproduce content consistent with my current portfolio. If you've seen my content and love what you've seen, that is what you can expect from your session. With that being said, I am not liable to deliver every media captured at the event. The determination of media delivered is left to my discretion. The final post production and editing styles, effects, and overall look of the images are left to my discretion. * I agree to the terms of the contract. Timeline of Delivered Media - My timeline for delivering completed media is 8 weeks or agreed upon date. We're both super excited to get the completed and finished product into your hands, so thank you for your grace and patience! You can expect teasers (3-5 photos) within 7 days. * I agree to the terms of the contract. Thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions at all!